sexta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2014

Script | Why?

Olá Flash
Hoje venho deixar-te pela primeira vez um texto (mais em forma de um desabafo I guess) em inglês, cheio de pontos finais (algo que certamente irás reparar. Descobri este texto hoje no meu computador - e, por coicidência, é o dia em que eu e o meu bichinho fazemos 10 meses

Why ? Why can’t I stop loving? Why can’t I stop hurting myself? Do I like to be hurt? Do I like to suffer? Because the only thing that happens to me when I’m in love is suffer and get hurt. I cry. A lot. But I can’t stop loving. I get hurt but I always carry on. Hopping that my price will show up. But he never does. When I fall in love I always think:ok , this is it. He will give me the love that I need and deserve. But he never does. He just says: sorry, but I don’t like you in the same way. And I smile and answer: oh… it’s ok. But it’s not. In the afternoon and at night I cry. A lot. Like my eyes are going to fall apart the same way my heart did. Again . After crying every afternoon and every single night for five days I stop. Stop crying. Stop hurting. Stop feeling. Stop loving. Stop smiling. Stop... being me. I simply stop. And each time that I feel that way I think: this was the last time that I did this to myself. I won’t fall in love again. I’m done with this. But I never do it. Because falling in love is part of me. A part that I will never be able to ‘turn off’. Because is just who I am. But I have faith. Faith that the tears and that feeling of feeling like shit for five days will be over. Because one day I will found my prince and I’ll show him the scars of my heart and I will think: it was worth it. Waiting for you and suffering for you payed of. Because you are my prince and my heart will never get hurt again.

Obrigada pelos melhores 10 meses da minha vida, encontrei-te


1 comentário:

  1. Ótimo texto :) o amor é mesmo complicado hehe..
    Parabéns pelos 10 mesinhos juntos ;)


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